Newish (not quite one year) Rotarian Alexis Antracoli was featured on page 27 in the September 2024 issue of the Ann Arbor Observer. Alexis is the Director of the U-M’s Bentley Historical Library. The article notes her undergraduate time at Boston University, PhD from Brandeis, and Master’s Degree from the U-M School of Information (2011) as well as her professional history at St. Francis University, Drexel University, Rutgers, and Princeton.
Her whirlwind career led her back to Ann Arbor in 2023 followed by Rotary membership that September and a luncheon presentation to us in January 2024. The archives of the Rotary Club of Ann Arbor are one of many collections maintained by the Bentley Library so her position is a good fit with that and our club’s recently revived History and Archives Committee.
Congratulations to Alexis and thanks to fellow Rotarian Patricia Garcia, Publisher of the Ann Arbor Observer, for commissioning this article by Eve Silberman.