The June 28, 2023 meeting opened on Zoom (33 members on zoom) and in person. At 12:29, President Ouimet called the meeting to order. Tom Strode led us in “America the Beautiful”. Inspiration was provided by Downs Herold who commemorated President Ouimet’s year of service and celebrated incoming President Foster. Here’s the inspiration: “Today is […]
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How are your gardens working out with so much of the country, including Michigan, hit with very dry or moderate drought conditions? To get started, mulch , mulch, and more mulch! Pull weeds that suck up water. Water occasionally but deeply. Check out this video:
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President Mark Ouimet called the meeting to order promptly at 12:30. Tom Strode warmed us up with the Patriotic Song. Marlena Studer read a writing from “Ethics for the New Millennium” by the Dalai Lama. He talked about how compassion, caring for others, is the basis for all human understanding. She then led us in […]
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(by John White) John White arrived at the podium at the June 21 luncheon wearing an apron, a hair net, and a packet of ingredients from last year’s food packing event. He quickly had everyone’s attention and offered attendees a chance to participate in a kickoff meeting to plan this year’s edition. The meeting will […]
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This year we are offering our Golf and Pickleball guests special “Early Bird” pricing for dinner. If you register for dinner before July 31, you will save $25 per ticket. The cost of this year’s dinner with “Early Bird” pricing is $100. Our featured speaker will be UM Hall of Fame softball coach Carol Hutchins. […]
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The Board of Director’s Meeting was held on Wednesday, June 21, 2023. On the final day of May, our club had 228 Active Members. Attendance for the month’s meetings was 31% (equal to last month). Average attendance at each meeting was 71 members and 8 guests. Our Engagement Ratio for the month was 60% (up […]
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It is that special time of the year when a team of dedicated Ann Arbor Rotarians begin to plan our biggest fundraiser! This year we have some exciting changes to our format. We are thrilled to be returning to Barton Hills Country Club and have swapped our tennis offering to pickleball. We invite you to […]
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President Mark Ouimet rang the bell to begin our meeting which included 20 Zoomers as well as a room-full of club’s members meeting in person. All stood as Tom Strode played America the Beautiful on the piano. Jody Tull deSalis then gave our inspirational welcome reminding us that visiting a friend or family member at […]
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After ringing the bell, today’s meeting started with singing our National Anthem accompanied by Tom Strode. Becky Pazkowski provided our inspirational comments today, quoting from a poem by Emerson about the true meaning of success and how that translates into what defines our club and what we do in Rotary. Rick Ingram lead the group […]
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President Mark Ouimet rang the meeting to order at 12:30. We had several guests including past Club Administrator Emily Olson. Tom Strode started us with God Bless America. Ingrid Sheldon had us welcome this summer day with The Happy Wanderer. She thoughtfully put her microphone close to the piano in hopes Zoom attendees could enjoy […]
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