President Joyce called the meeting to order promptly at 12:30 pm. Past president Greg Stejskal provided our inspiration by describing Abraham Lincoln’s first inaugural address on March 4, 1861. He highlighted the significance of this event, noting that it occurred during a time of great uncertainty and tension in the United States. Seven states had […]
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Our meeting today was called to order by President Joyce Hunter followed by Jody Tull leading us in our patriotic song. Today’s inspirational message was provided by Shelly McMillan and aligning with today’s speaker’s topic of poverty, Shelly offered several quotes by some of our country’s greatest leaders: Franklin D. Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy, […]
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President Joyce Hunter rang the opening bell at 12:30 and quieted a very noisy meeting. Jody Tull’s piano mellowed our singing of The Star Spangled Banner. Ella Dunajsky shared her personal story of being the daughter of Hungarian immigrants who were displaced persons after World War II. She expressed gratitude for the values her parents […]
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Braving a bitterly cold wind from the south, a full Anderson Room of Rotarians met to share stories, lunch, and friendship. President Joyce Hunter called our meeting to order and sensational pianist Jody Tull de Salis played as we all sang America the Beautiful. Barbara Eichmuller came to the podium to share that today would […]
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After president Joyce Hunter rang the bell calling our meeting to order, we sang a patriotic song, and Joanne Pierson offered the following inspirational poem about home and love: Home and Love (Robert Wilson Service 1874-1958) Just home and love. The words are small, Four little letters unto each And yet you will not find […]
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On the final day of the month our club had 199 Active Members. All membership information is pulled from ClubRunner statistics. Attendance for November’s meetings was 39% (down 5% from last month). Average attendance at each meeting was 78 members and 5 guests. Our Engagement Ratio for the month was 53% (down 1% from last […]
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Our meeting today was called to order by President Joyce Hunter at 12 noon. Then, Jody Tull led us in our patriotic song. Today’s inspirational message, offered by Dennis Burke, touched on the great feats accomplished in our community, including the 80th anniversary of the Jonas Salk polio vaccine, announced here in Ann Arbor! […]
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After President Joyce rang the bell, those present rose and sang the “Star-Spangled Banner.” Our inspirational message today, from Victor Stoeffler, was in tune with the season. Victor reminded us of the spirit of giving and that the concept of giving of oneself requires some level of generosity. He offered a quote from the short […]
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On the final day of the month our club had 200 Active Members. All membership information is pulled from ClubRunner statistics. Attendance for November’s meetings was 44% (up 7% from last month). Average attendance at each meeting was 87 members and 20 guests. Our Engagement Ratio for the month was 60% (up 1% from last […]
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With a chilling wind scurrying us into the warm Anderson Room of the Michigan Union, President Joyce welcomed us to join pianist Jody Tull de Salis in the singing of America the Beautiful. Michelle Deatrick inspired us with the news that today is International Human Rights Day and read a moving poem by W. H. […]
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