Meeting Notes

Meeting Notes for February 12, 2025: John Field – Hiking the Pacific Coast Trail

President Joyce called the meeting to order promptly at 12:30 pm. Past president Greg Stejskal provided our inspiration by describing Abraham Lincoln’s first inaugural address on March 4, 1861. He highlighted the significance of this event, noting that it occurred during a time of great uncertainty and tension in the United States. Seven states had […]

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Meeting Notes for February 5, 2025: Luke Shafer – The Legacy of Poverty in America

Our meeting today was called to order by President Joyce Hunter followed by Jody Tull leading us in our patriotic  song.   Today’s inspirational message was provided by Shelly McMillan and aligning with today’s speaker’s topic of poverty, Shelly offered several quotes by some of our country’s greatest leaders:  Franklin D. Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy, […]

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Meeting Notes for December 18, 2024: Huron High Choir

After President Joyce rang the bell, those present rose and sang the “Star-Spangled Banner.” Our inspirational message today, from Victor Stoeffler, was in tune with the season.  Victor reminded us of the spirit of giving and that the concept of giving of oneself requires some level of generosity.  He offered a quote from the short […]

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