Recent figures from RI show a total of 36,530 Rotary Clubs with a total of 1,145,462 Active Rotarians. Thus, the average club has 31 members. The median is 25. At 202, our club ranks in the 99.8 percentile. We are 82nd in the world and 44th in the US. The big shift in recent years has been toward more and larger clubs in Asia.
The largest club in the world is now Vijayawada Midtown in India at 855. A distant second is Oklahoma City (584) followed by Birmingham AL (583), Atlanta (487), and Baton Rouge (478). Immediately after those five, there are two clubs in Seoul. Other international clubs larger than ours are in Japan, Turkiye, Pakistan, Argentina, and the Philippines. The nearest larger club to us is Toledo (294).
Among larger clubs in Michigan, Muskegon is now at 243. We are in second place at 202 while Grand Rapids, once the state’s largest, is at 194. Other Michigan clubs of significant size are Midland (176), Traverse City (163), and Lansing (157). The next largest club in District 6380 is Rochester (84).