Summary of December 21, 2022 Board Meeting

The Board of Director’s Meeting was held on Wednesday, December 21, 2022. On the final day of the month of November our club had 231 Active Members. Attendance for the month’s four meetings was 38% (up 10% from last month). Average attendance at each meeting was 88 members and 8 guests. Our Engagement Ratio for the month was 61% (down 2% from last month.) Zoom vs. In-Person reports have been sporadic due to the barcode scanner system. In general, in-person attendance is increasing. Zoom attendance averages between 30 and 40 people.

Discussion for the board included approval of five individuals for Club Membership: Susan Shipman, Wendy Zielen, Shirlee Kipp, Anna Byberg and transfer of Rick Jarzembowski from Ann Arbor North. We have received four requests for terminations in December: Steve Pierce, Rick Detweiller, Karl Edelmann and Kim Krahn.

Our club financial highlights include Foundation total assets of $2,622,571.37 and Club Operations balance of $76,112.48.

There was much board discussion regarding the use of Zoom for the weekly business meetings moving forward in spite of the cost and lack of admin support starting in January. While some are in favor of in-person meetings, much of the board agreed that providing a hybrid meeting is necessary to retain membership and to attract new members. A plan on how this will occur is under development.

Claire Foley and Norman Herbert interviewed two accounting firms: Full Cycle Accounting and Jitasa Services. These interviews were prompted by the resignation of the Club’s Administrator/Financial Manager and the ongoing concern about finding a candidate that will be adequately skilled in both the administrative support services and accounting functions. The Search team is supportive of dividing the responsibilities so as to be more successful in identifying a strong candidate with executive director/administrative experience. The board approved to move forward with Full Cycle Accounting effective immediately.

The Administrator/Financial Manager Search committee has performed two initial interviews and a second interview was held with one of those candidates. Although postings have been widespread, the committee has not received much interest. As a result of this changes made regarding accounting/bookkeeping (see above), the committee has updated the job description and revised the posting. The position remains at 30 hours per week. The committee is hopeful these changes will bring in additional candidates. The Search Committee consists of Joanne Pierson (chair), Mark Foster, Mark Ouimet, Norman Herbert, Barbara Eichmuller and Kathy Waugh.

Staffing support for the weekly meeting duties continues to be an issue. Many of the same people are volunteering every week and the Sign-Up Genius did little to fix the situation. A new spreadsheet for volunteer positions for meeting set up is being developed for the first six months of 2023. A soft approach for filling these much-needed positions will roll out at the beginning of the year.