Rotary Members Again Bring Cheers to Vets

Rotary members bring cheer again to veterans  Many thanks to our generous Club members and to  Ann Arbor North for their donations.  On Thursday December 8th twelve Rotary members, spouses and friends helped pack 104 hygiene kits for the Veterans at the VA hospital in Ann Arbor. Everyone agreed it was a fun and great experience.  We delivered the kits to the hospital where they were distributed to the patients, homeless veterans and residents of Fisher House.
Members from Rotary Club of Ann Arbor:  Agnes Reading, Shirlee Kipp,  MIchael Field, Dennis Powers, Rosemarie Rowney, Collyer Smith, Susan Froelich, Leo Shedden and Don Deatrick.
Members in attendance from Rotary Club of Ann Arbor North: Sherry and Steven Lessons.
Member from Roatary Club Sunrise, Edmonton, Canada: Brad Lohner
Submitted by Don Deatrick, Chair, Veterans Initiative Committee