Polio Plus in Washtenaw County

Reinstating Member Mike James has a long Rotary resume, highlighted with his successful introduction of Polio Plus in Washtenaw County.
In mid-September 1984, the District 6380 Governor appointed him to serve as District 6380 Polio Plus Coordinator for Washtenaw County. With help from local Rotarians, club fund raising goals were set, posters and campaign materials were prepared, a schedule for club visits was determined, and a Polio Plus+ Kick-off event was planned. The event was held in early October 1984 hosted by our club and attended by Rotarians from the six other Washtenaw County clubs. All the clubs accepted their fund raising goals and by April 1985 each club had met or exceeded their goals.
Mike’s Rotary career includes leadership positions in Bloomfield Hills and Ann Arbor North. He has shared his extensive fund raising expertise at the District level.
Mike is glad to be back in Ann Arbor Rotary and looks forward to becoming an active member.