Learn More about the End Polio Now Effort

After last Wednesday’s informative and moving presentation, you may want to learn more and keep up to date on Rotary’s efforts to eradicate polio. If so, the “End Polio Now” monthly newsletter is for you. The direct link is http://rotary.highroadsolution.com/ri_preference_center/Form.aspx but you might have to go through My Rotary to get there. Here’s how:
1. Open up your My Rotary account from www.rotary.org (you can set up one from the top line of the home page. If you need your RI number, look above your name, between the hashtags, on the mailing label of your Rotarian magazine).
2. Click on the News & Media link on the horizontal blue line of links
3. Go to Newsletters under the column headed by Magazines
4. Click on the boxes for End Polio Now and English
5. Choose other newsletters that may be of interest to you
6. Click Update on the bottom of the page.
Please contact John White if you have any questions or need any help.