Summary of Board of Directors Meeting held July 19, 2023

The Board of Directors’ Meeting was held on Wednesday, July 19, 2023. On the final day of June, our club had 216 Active Members. Attendance for the month’s meetings was 29% (down 2% from last month). The average attendance at each meeting was 64 members and 6 guests. Our Engagement Ratio for the month was 50% (down10% from last month). The board voted on one new member nomination: Jordan Setayesh (Sponsors: Joanne Pierson and Barbara Eichmuller).

The membership numbers above include four new members and 16 terminations as shown in the lists below.

New Members: 4

David Prentice-Hyers
Caroline Andrews
Sambasiva Kottamasu
Mary Sutton


Terminations: 16

Barbara Bach None Given
Karen Kerry Family Obligations
Aleia MacDonald Business Pressure
Timothy Johnson Family Obligations
Narendra Bhatia Disinterest
Megan Butler Disinterest
Michael Cole Business Pressure
Marcia Lane Joined Other Club
Edwin Portugal Business Transfer
Ellen Putney Moore Business Pressure
Bryan Smith Joined Other Club
Lois Stenger Disinterest
Karen Valvo Business Pressure
Heidi Vitso Family Obligations
Douglas Weber Disinterest
Carlos Valderrama Health


Our club financial highlights include Foundation total assets of $2,734,747 and Club Operations balance of $99,668 (this amount includes pre-paid dues totaling $63,000).

July 26 will be the first IHPC meeting for the new fiscal year. The IHPC committee consists of Mark Foster, Joyce Hunter, Bill McPherson, Norman Herbert, Claire Foley, and Mark Ouimet.

A committee to build the new slate of officers for 2024-2025 is also getting started. This committee consists of Mark Foster, Joyce Hunter, Kathy Waugh, Barbara Eichmuller, Joanne Pierson, and Mark Ouimet.

The board continues to review the ability to maintain the Hybrid Meeting platform. The survey results were discussed in detail, and all agreed that we need to inform the membership. It is important for the membership to understand how we manage to balance the board budget each year and how difficult it would be to reduce expenditures to fund hybrid meetings.