ARC – Anti-Racism Committee



To live in a more equal, inclusive and just community


To raise awareness, present informative programs, and offer opportunities for active discussion designed to help end racism and injustice, in an environment of support that encourages personal action by members.

Why ARC?

The Rotary Club of Ann Arbor ARC – AntiRacism Committee was founded in the summer of 2020, in response to the growing concern around issues of social justice, racism and equality in our country. The ARC strives to engage with these issues in meaningful ways. We hope to spark dialogue and inspire growth in diversity, equity and inclusion, for our members and for our community.

These issues are fraught with controversy.  In ARC meetings we regularly disagree with one another.  But we ask ourselves, if we in Rotary can’t resolve these conflicts and be effective, how can we expect any group or family or nation to do so?

 ARC references a writing of 19th century Unitarian minister Theodore Parker, who was quoted by Martin Luther King, Jr.: “The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.”  Our intent is to work to bend the arc a little faster.

We believe the first step is to educate ourselves. We can all benefit from a better understanding of the issues that people of color and other minorities face.

ARC acknowledges that we all need the opportunity to explore the ideas and views we were raised with if we are to embrace new ones.  We believe it’s essential that people can speak without being judged. Our goal is to engage our fellow RCAA members, and work at enlarging the Rotary heart and mind – always in keeping with the 4-Way test.  It is a journey of personal growth viewed through the lens of community and human rights rather than divisive politics.

 What Can I Do?

Rotarians are people of action! We’ve created an informational chart that offers a variety of options for outreach in our community. The goals of the organizations listed align with those of ARC in bringing greater diversity, equity, and inclusion to our community. We encourage you to get involved and volunteer!  Let us know of other programs that we can add to the list.

Link:  Volunteer opportunities with organizations in our community

ARC Presentations to Rotary Club of Ann Arbor


Tuesday April 27, 2021, 7:00 pm.

Nicolas Leonard, Director, Great Lakes Environmental Law Center, speaking on “The Struggle for Environmental Justice.”   Contact for the Zoom link.


Videos, inspirations, etc.